Computational Approaches to Ureteric Stent Design


As part of ENIUS, we aim to develop a computational setting to guide and assess future urinary stent designs. This is the first time that such a large scale multicentre computational effort has been applied to urinary stent design. To realise this goal we are bringing together mathematicians, computational scientists, bioengineers, biologists, and clinicians.

To develop the theoretical models necessitates the biomechanical characterization of the urinary tract, taking data from in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo studies. Thus, we enable identification of the components that must be incorporated into any realistic simulator of the urinary tract, including, for example, fluid-structure interaction between urine flow and the ureter wall and the ureteric stent.

Aims and Objectives

This Training School will bring together a multi-disciplinary group of clinicians, biologists and physical scientists. We will present recent advances in mathematical, computational, in vitro, and in vivo approaches to understanding fluid mechanics within the stented ureter, in order to identify current challenges in urinary stent design that can be tackled using combined experimental and theoretical approaches.

We will assess the material and geometrical properties of current urinary stents, examine current state-of-the-art computational models for urinary stents, and evaluate their usefulness. We will identify the key components that must be incorporated into future computational models of stented urinary tracts.

The aims of the Training School are twofold:

  1. To consolidate a multidisciplinary network (urologists, translational researchers, bioengineers, etc.) actively involved in urinary stent research to facilitate scientific knowledge exchange between young researchers.
  2. To create a cohort of skilled researchers with the necessary tools to develop computational approaches for urinary stents.

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